Business Opportunities in Sweden: 4 Opportunities for Tech-Savvy U.S. Companies

Sweden is an advanced nation known for its high-tech market, so it should come as no surprise that business opportunities in Sweden are geared toward tech-savvy companies. If your team has the knowledge and skills to stand proud alongside Swedish engineers and techies, keep reading to learn about 4 big opportunities for U.S. companies in […]

Things to Think of When Developing Localization-Ready Websites

Yesterday I attended a seminar held by Utah Technology Council here in Salt Lake City. The presenter was Adam Wooten from Globalization Group, talking about how to develop localization ready websites.  His key point was to prepare in advance to ensure that the localization process will be easy and cost-effective. To correct an error for […]

Software Localization Tools

In software localization, good tools are important. Without specialized tools, localization of software is very difficult and time consuming, with many repetitive tasks. Fortunately, there is a variety of specialized tools available today. The main source and target formats: resource files (RC) or binary files such as EXE or DLL usually do not contain long […]

The Role of Translators in the Software Localization Process

In software localization projects, we translators are expected to have complete command of the tools required, know the market and a lot of products, assume our own position in the process, and understand the constraints involved in ever shorter production cycles. For this reason that most translators working in localization do so through intermediary translation […]