Given that more people speak English as a second language than as a first, it’s essential to craft clear, compelling English copy for global audiences. What’s more, internationally optimized English is a key step in preparing texts for translation and preventing errors down the road.

As you write or translate English for an international audience, here are some expert tips for global English to keep top of mind!

The Importance of Global English

Writing for a global audience means focusing on clarity. Yet beyond the text itself, there are plenty of reasons why you should utilize localization-friendly English, including: 

Tips for Global English Writing

Brands everywhere should carefully craft global English copy, so that it’s easily understood by international audiences – here’s how.

1. Leverage Plain Language

To start, you should strive to craft clear, precise writing. Called “plain language,” this type of copy is focused on readability and involves:


❌ When baking, a large cake pan should be used.

✅ Use a large cake pan.

2. Avoid Slang and False Friends

In addition, you should ensure that the English copy can’t be easily misinterpreted. Avoid slang, false friends, idioms and figures of speech that won’t translate well. Instead, choose commonly used words that keep the text straightforward.


❌ See a doctor if you’re feeling under the weather.

✅ See a doctor if you’re feeling sick.

3. Avoid Using Culturally-Specific Phrases

Don’t be too culturally specific, as global English readers may not pick up on the meaning. For example, shy away from culturally-located references to holidays, culture, celebrities, sports and more.


❌ The product launch was a homerun.

✅ The product launch was a success.

4. Clarify Ambiguous Phrasing

It’s also ideal to minimize ambiguity in the English text, so that it’s as intelligible as possible. Anytime there’s room for confusion, try to rephrase.

For example, define ambiguous pronouns whenever possible (instead of “it” or “they,” specify who or what the pronouns refer to). In addition, define abbreviations and symbols, so that readers have immediate context. It’s also best to avoid negative sentence structures that can be unclear.


❌ It broke when she dropped her cell phone on the glass table.

✅ Her cell phone broke when she dropped it on the glass table.

5. Maintain Consistent Wording

For clarity, you should also keep all terms consistent throughout the text, especially when they’re highly specific. You might also explain any specialized terms or abbreviations directly in the copy.

One way to do this is to start a glossary and a brand style guide. This way, you can ensure the copy conveys the right meaning at all times and avoids misleading the reader.


The computer was infected by a Trojan Horse.

The computer was infected by a virus called a Trojan Horse.

6. Make Final Round Edits

Finally, it’s common for misunderstandings to arise when the text isn’t properly proofread. Typos or errors can obscure meaning and make it difficult to translate.

To prevent these types of mistakes, ensure that the text goes through a final editing round. This will minimize the risk of errors and comprehension problems.


❌ Those who requires a refund should contact us.

✅ Customers who require a refund should contact us.

Choose a Professional Translator With Global English Know-How

As a professional English to Swedish translator with 18+ years of experience, I hope that clients will take this advice to heart when crafting English copy. Not only will these tips make it easier to localize, but they will improve the quality of the writing and reduce risks all-around.

In addition, I leverage best practices for global writing – whether in English or Swedish. To this end, I recently completed a Swedish Copywriting Certification and constantly focus on clear, concise phrasing in my translations.

Learn more about my extensive English-Swedish experience by checking out my client portfolio and case studies!

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