Don’t Let Cultural Ignorance Ruin Your Perfectly Good Translation
You can see that cultural adaptation is critical when expanding your company internationally or even targeting audiences from a different culture within your country. Don’t limit your reach by limiting yourself to a strict, word-for-word, translation. Hire a professional translator to help.
Top 4 Common Business Translation Errors
Translation is a minefield at the best of times but whereas telling your Spanish penpal you enjoy ‘long walks along the massacre’ can be a tad embarassing, it is nothing compared to the lasting damage to finances and reputation that a business mistranslation can incur. From awkward social faux-pas to accidentally sinking huge deals, even […]
How Technology Will Change Translation
This is a guest post by Alexander Zeller Online translation tools commenced with the easily accessible Google Translate, which has now been out on the internet for 10 years, but it seems it hasn’t had that much of an impact on the demand for human translators. Most people believed that once translation tools were developed that would be an […]
How Translation Services Help Improve Today’s Global Economy
This is a guest post by Albert Brown Why translation services needed? In general perception, global economy doesn’t come to our mind when we consider interpretation services. We normally think of it as somebody having a thorough knowledge of the root and destination languages, who helps others to understand some different languages and let the communication process flow between […]
Why You Should Hire a Professional Translator
In order to get your message across to your target audience you need to hire a professional translator. Here are the reasons why:
10 Tips for Working Efficiently and Productively With a Professional Translator
When you have a translation project and contact a professional translator, here are some tips to make the project run smoothly and efficiently for both of you. 1. Provide as much information as possible at first contact. This will help you receive a faster response from the translator. This includes the subject, language pair (obviously), target […]
To My Favorite Client Among LSP’s
Dear Client, I just wanted to write you a short note to tell you that you are one of my favorite clients among Language Service Provider companies and here is why. 1. You always address me by my name when you contact me 2. You do not send mass emails and wait for the first […]
4 Types of Quality Assurance for Translators
One way to make the concept of quality assurance easier for linguists is to divide it up into four parts: administrative quality, linguistic quality, business quality and cultural quality. International quality standards focus mostly on administrative quality, since it is the easiest to measure. Linguistic quality is the most important for language professionals. Business quality […]
What to Look For in a Professional Translator
Based on the previous blog you are hopefully convinced that hiring a professional translator for a translation job is the right way to go. But how can you tell whether you have found a professional translator or not? Here are some details to pay attention to. A professional translator is: – Educated in both source […]