My Professional English to Swedish Translator Certifications

As an English-Swedish linguist with 20 years of experience, I’m committed to growing in my profession.  To that end, I’m always looking for opportunities to get certified in key areas and add value for my clients. While translator certifications vary in scope depending on the institution, they’re a great way for you to understand the […]

Localization Best Practices for the Swedish Market

Looking to launch your product in Sweden? Before you try to win over Swedish customers, it’s essential for you to understand how Swedish localization is unique from other markets.   Compared to other regions in the world, Swedes are quite internet-savvy (with 95% regular internet usage) and have high expectations for user experience and brand transparency. […]

What Swedish Translation Services can help you with in 2023

I want to take this opportunity to wish all my clients and readers a Happy New Year and thank you for your business in 2022. In 2022 I started focusing more and more on Swedish translation projects that required more creative translations, or transcreations of marketing material, plus on-page SEO and keyword research. I took […]

The Benefits of Choosing Swedish Translation Services

Do you need your marketing material translated into Swedish? Does it need to be localized for the Swedish culture? Does it need to sound like it was written by a Swedish copywriter? Then I would like to invite you to check out my services and how I can help with these needs. I’m your go-to […]

Everything You Need to Know About Swedish Content Marketing and Localization

Let’s look at what localization is and how you can put it to work in your English to Swedish content marketing. In a global society where consumers can conduct business with companies halfway around the world in seconds, it’s common to forget that individual markets still matter. Studies show that geo-targeted posts on social media […]

Swedish Localization and Website Translation: 4 Ways Your Business Can Benefit

If you want to tap into the Swedish business market, you’ll first need to earn their attention. Breaking into new markets isn’t just about having in-demand products or filling a need. Rather, much of your success will how you adapt your company to their market. Despite over a third of internet users being non-native English […]

What Benefits Does a Professional Swedish Translator Provide?

Long before the invention of AI and the internet, businesses relied on human translators to intermediate conversations in two different languages. The human element ensured that syntax, grammar, and context were properly transferred and that ideas were well-received. Fast forward to today, where automated services like Google Translate are trying to pick apart textual data […]

How Translation Services Help Improve Today’s Global Economy

This is a guest post by Albert Brown Why translation services needed? In general perception, global economy doesn’t come to our mind when we consider interpretation services. We normally think of it as somebody having a thorough knowledge of the root and destination languages, who helps others to understand some different languages and let the communication process flow between […]