Category: Business

English to Swedish Translation Made Easy

Translators, stakeholders, customers… oh my! Streamline your next English to Swedish translations with our tips for simplifying your process.

Content Writing as an Added Service

Translators are natural wordsmiths. Here’s how to take advantage of translators to meet content writing needs in your target markets.

6 Tips for Writing English for a Global Audience

Given that more people speak English as a second language than as a first, it’s essential to craft clear, compelling English copy for global audiences. What’s more, internationally optimized English is a key step in preparing texts for translation and preventing errors down the road.

What Swedish Translation Services can help you with in 2023

Happy New Year from Swedish Translation Services
Photo by BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash

I want to take this opportunity to wish all my clients and readers a Happy New Year and thank you for your business in 2022.

In 2022 I started focusing more and more on Swedish translation projects that required more creative translations, or transcreations of marketing material, plus on-page SEO and keyword research. I took mini-courses in performing keyword research and creating ad texts for PPC (pay-per-click ads), plus keyword cannibalization and cleaning. All this in order to help clients show up high in search engines and increase their revenue.

Here are some areas Swedish Translation Services has worked with in 2022 and can help you with in 2023:

💸 Business communication, marketing, PR, advertising, copywriting, transcreation
💻 Software and website localization for SaaS, international SEO
💄 Cosmetics, beauty, and e-commerce

You can read more about transcreation vs. translation here: Swedish Translation vs. Transcreation: Which Is Right for You?

More information on digital marketing for the Swedish market can also be found here: How to Market to Swedish Users with Digital Marketing

Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous 2023!

7 Reasons You Need a Pro English to Swedish Translator

 To create compelling translations for new audiences in Sweden, it’s essential to hire professionals who know how to craft elegant, native-sounding copy that gets results. Here’s what professional English-Swedish translators bring to the table for businesses worldwide.  

Is It Worth Hiring a Pro Swedish Translator for Marketing Materials?

Marketing to Sweden

Crafting compelling marketing copy is a must for swaying potential customers. As companies work to persuade audiences in new regions, they will require professional marketing translation to achieve a high impact. 

Word-for-word translation just doesn’t cut it for marketing copy. To achieve effective Swedish translation of marketing materials, professionals must have a deep understanding of the target audience, brand voice, local phrasing and SEO. Here are some top reasons to choose a professional for your next English to Swedish marketing campaign

Marketing materials that require a professional

Swedish translation of marketing materials is a highly specialized skill that focuses on wordsmithing language to be clear, persuasive and high-impact. Some typical types of English to Swedish marketing materials include:

  • Brochures and leaflets
  • Case studies and testimonials
  • Digital ads (PPC)
  • E-books
  • Images and videos
  • Presentations
  • Press releases
  • Print and email newsletters
  • Product catalogs and materials
  • SEO keywords
  • Social media posts
  • Training materials
  • Websites, landing pages, and banners
  • … and more.

Digital marketing materials such as websites, digital ads, and social media campaigns are essential for companies looking to expand their customer base in new locations. 

Risks of hiring non-professionals for marketing translation

Choosing a non-professional to translate your marketing materials could quickly become costly. While it may seem more budget-friendly for an internal bilingual employee to translate the marketing copy, often this individual doesn’t have specialized translation skills. This could lead to translated marketing copy that:

  • Contains mistakes or unnatural sounding phrases
  • Is not tailored to regional dialects or other target audience needs
  • Does not follow the brand voice 
  • Is not optimized for SEO

Ultimately, ineffective Swedish translation of marketing materials could result in poor campaign performance, low engagement metrics, and overall reduced revenue. In contrast, a professional marketing translation can boost results all-around for a successful product launch in Sweden.

4 reasons your company should rely on professional Swedish translators

A professional Swedish translator can take your marketing campaign to the next level. Let’s take a look at how professional translators maximize marketing copy to get results.

1. Deep understanding of the target audience

Professionals know their target audience like the back of their hand. They’re mindful of regional dialects, cultural sensitivities, current affairs, and other aspects of your campaign’s audience. They’re able to optimize the copy with local humor, customs, and phrasing, so that it resonates with local audiences.

2. Ins and outs of brand voice

English to Swedish translators also offer high-quality writing skills, so that they can incorporate the tone of your brand voice and maximize the message with excellent wordsmithing. Professionals know how to leverage a brand style guide in order to translate copy with the right voice. 

3. Ability to craft natural phrasing

Professionals also focus their efforts on copy that sounds organic and is persuasive to potential customers. This starts with crafting English to Swedish translation that elevates natural phrasing – including vocabulary, idioms, humor, and more – so that local users feel at home.

4. Expert SEO research

Finally, professionals know how the target audience searches online and have obtained skills to optimize SEO in the copy in order to match their search habits. They perform expert, locally-focused keyword research so that potential customers land on your company’s product during relevant searches.

Leverage professional English to Swedish translators

Choosing a professional English to Swedish translator for your marketing materials is a necessary step for winning over Swedish users. Without a professional to optimize your message, your marketing campaign may get poor results. 

To ensure your next English to Swedish marketing campaign is a success, get in touch with me. As a professional Swedish translator, I have extensive experience in marketing translation/transcreation and a proven track record in getting top marketing results for companies. You can even check out marketing translation case studies that I’ve worked on.

Check also:



The Benefits of Choosing Swedish Translation Services

Do you need your marketing material translated into Swedish? Does it need to be localized for the Swedish culture? Does it need to sound like it was written by a Swedish copywriter?

Then I would like to invite you to check out my services and how I can help with these needs. I’m your go-to provider for Swedish software localization and transcreation of digital marketing copy. Here are some key benefits I can provide, based on my experience and background.

1. I know both the Swedish and American markets and can adapt your text to really speak to customers.

My feature: I’m a Swedish speaking translator with a robust international background. Not only have I lived in both my working languages’ countries (Sweden and U.S.), but I also have an educational background in international marketing and business communication.

Your benefit: This cultural know-how gives me extra insight into crafting copy that works for both countries’ business landscapes. Ultimately, I’m able to adapt your marketing message to really speak to customers by considering cultural differences and sharpening the tone/style for your target audience.

2. I am certified in English-Swedish translation by the American Translators Association, and I also have a proven track record in digital marketing and e-commerce companies.

My feature: Besides earning top industry credentials in English-Swedish translation, I’m also a recognized marketing consultant and have deep experience in transforming online copy for Swedish markets.

Your benefit: With my rich marketing background, I’ve helped hundreds of companies find their brand voice on the Swedish-speaking market. I guarantee top-quality translations informed by marketing best practices, which is especially useful for digital marketing and e-commerce companies. My credentials give me the unique skills to handle your most challenging online localization needs.

3. To keep up with increasingly digital markets, I’ve specialized in iSEO and SaaS localization to help you reach Swedish users online.

My feature: Through my extensive experience in software localization and Search Engine Optimization, I’ve become a go-to resource for SaaS localization among even the most ambitious software companies.

Your benefits: By localizing software interfaces, help files, user manuals, web sites and menus, I can prepare a pristine interface for you to grow and engage your Swedish user base. In addition, your products/services won’t be hidden from the Swedish online searcher. Through intensive iSEO research, I find the ideal keywords and analyze search behavior so that your company can get on page 1 of Google rankings in Swedish, both for websites, PPC-campaigns and blog posts/articles.

Read more about sample projects and my experience in software localization here.

4. I’ve been a Swedish translator for 17 years, abide by high professional standards and I am ISO Certified.

My feature: For 17 years, I’ve been helping companies successfully localize their services/products for the Swedish market. For all projects, I continue to strive for perfection and craft a text that does not read like a translation. I only accept assignments where I can provide high-quality translations.

Your benefit: My robust experience lets me stay nimble to complete quick turnarounds and resolve any linguistic and/or marketing challenges in the text – all with a quality guarantee. In addition to striving for quality, I consider my clients my most important assets. For this reason, I treat you with the friendly, respectful and professional service that you deserve. The end result is “happy, repeat customers.”

If you’re interested in reading more reviews from my clients, visit my Testimonials page.

5. I guarantee client confidentiality and non-disclosure (via Non-Disclosure Agreements) and I follow best practices for security and privacy.

My feature: I ensure confidentiality by signing Non-Disclosure Agreements and running my business according to best practices.

Your benefit: I safeguard your source materials through secure technology, so you don’t have to worry about information leaks. Ultimately, I never share any of your materials with third parties, unless you’ve specifically requested so.

6. Continuous education is a part of my translator DNA. I’m constantly educating myself in writing, research skills, subject matter expertise, as well as software, translation and localization tools.

My feature: I never stop deepening my knowledge in translation and relevant areas. In addition to staying on top of new technologies, I’ve completed certificates in copywriting, content marketing and international SEO. 

Your benefit: I’m constantly adapting to changes in the localization industry, so your projects are supported by top skills and technologies. Not only do I seek out professional associations and certificates, but I get trained on the latest software, translation and localization tools. For example, I make use of translation memories and quality assurance software in order to maintain consistency between documents and projects. To get a sense of my skills firsthand, check out my portfolio. I’m proud of joining forces with companies worldwide to successfully reach the Swedish market. Contact me to discuss your Swedish translation needs.

Check also:

9 Things to Do Before Launching a Translation Project

Planning is Key to Localization

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” And he was absolutely right; anyone who’s ended up on the wrong side of a poorly-planned project knows that. Since you’re reading this blog, you know that there’s a lot more to localization than tossing some words into Google Translate. Translation is actually a complex, multifaceted process. While many clients find this out the hard way, and end up frustrated, you don’t need to be one of them. If you take time to prepare your translation project upfront, you’ll find going global to be a much smoother experience.

The Translation Checklist

Failing to properly prepare your translation project might land you a starring role in your translator’s nightmares. A lack of key information can result in missed deadlines, delays, and insomnia for everyone involved. So, to help ensure your translator gets a full night’s sleep, double-check that you:

  • Finalized Your Texts: Before sending anything out for translation, figure out exactly what you need done: finish your edits, update your logos, gather the documents, and cut out anything that might be unnecessary. While it’s tempting to translate everything word for word, that’s rarely a wise decision. Even the least chatty companies have websites cluttered with out-of-date press releases and irrelevant information. Don’t waste your translator’s time on those things you won’t need!
  • Cut the Jargon: While you might be tempted to translate terms like ‘tenure,’ ‘putative’, or ‘injunction’, technical language should be removed from translation-ready documents. Using industry-specific words, especially when simpler alternatives exist, often leads to confusion. So, unless your translator specializes in that specific area, it’s best to remove region or occupation-specific terms. And, of course, make sure to cut out those clichés.
  • Were Clear About the Languages Involved: Make sure that all parties are clear about the project’s source and target language(s). If you need documents translated into a specific dialect, for example, that’s something you need to specify up front. Not doing so might lead to repeated translations, increased costs, and hair pulling.
    Determined Your Target Audience: It’s important to know who you’re trying to reach. Different regions often need different dialects. Someone in urban Tokyo might respond to a certain phrase differently from someone in rural Osaka, for example. By figuring out your audience beforehand, you improve your chances of getting your point across.
  • Cleaned Up Your Source Materials: If your paperwork is smudged, torn, or covered in chicken scratch, you need to rewrite it. If it’s not legible, how can you expect your translator to use it? Unless your handwriting is neater than typed font, it might be better to convert all your documents to a digital format before requesting translation. This will also make it easier to keep track of, and allow both you and your translator to easily keep copies of the material.
  • Pinned Down Your Deadline: Be clear about when you need a translation project completed. Don’t tell your translator that a project is ‘no rush’ if you need it tomorrow. Also, be sure to avoid using subjective terms like ‘soon’ or ‘sometime in the next month or two.’ Interpretations of those statements vary wildly from person to person, let alone culture to culture.
  • Sorted Your Documents: Classify your documents according to type, subject, or importance and be sure to label any legal documents. This allows your translator to properly assign tasks and seek any needed outside expertise.
  • Gave Ample Support: Whether it’s due to unclear requirements, or company-specific terms, your translator is likely to need your help. To minimize interruptions, provide your vendors with a copy of your handbook, commonly used terms, and access to important materials. Make certain that you’re easy-to-contact and available for any impromptu consultations.
  • Decided on a Final Deliverable: What do you need when the project’s completed? A PDF? An Excel sheet? Tell your vendor where and how you plan on using the translated text. This might help save you money on staging and finishing costs. If you can, provide the translator with an example of completed work.
  • Outlined Any Extra Requirements: While most companies are glad to format and publish your materials, you should request any auxiliary services at the start. If you don’t, you might end up stuck with an unfinished project, or worse, a set of unbudgeted charges.


Translation is all about communication. Communication between you and your client and communication between you and your translation vendor. To minimize problems, you need to take time beforehand and carefully plan your project. Always make sure you know what languages, materials, and services you need from any given translator. If you jump right into the deep end and send out a half-baked scope of work, you might end up with a project that’s unfinished and poor quality.

Check also: